Homework Assignment on Vendler and "Praise in Summer"

After reading through the Helen Vendler handout "Writing on poems," work through Richard Wilbur's poem "Praise in Summer," using both "10 tips for reading poetry" from our blog and Vendler's recommendations until you feel satisfied that you understand what she calls "the drama of the poem" and the formal features the poem uses (figurative language, repetition, contrast, language that draws attention to itself, etc.) to develop the "symbolic imagination" of its topic.

Next, write a paragraph to turn in (please type this assignment) that briefly summarizes the "plot" of that "drama"and the main techniques that the poem uses to develop that plot.

Your paragraph should be a complete unit (not part of a longer paper).  Work to make sure that it's well-written and free of mechanical errors.

NOTE:  Although you can find analyses of this poem online, the point of this ungraded assignment is for me to see how you are doing with poetry.  If you use someone else's ideas, I can't help you.

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