History and Prometheus Bound

594: Solon elected archon, reforms Athenian law (appointment of some officials by sortition probably introduced)
580: Dēmiourgoi (craftspeople) and Thētes (day laborers) admitted to the Ekklēsia; thus establishing the principle of isēgoria (an equal right to a voice in government)
560: Pisistratus becomes Tyrant of Athens.
550: Peloponnesian League established
548: Persia conquers Asia Minor
525: Aeschylus born
512: Darius invades Thrace
508: Democratic Reforms of Cleisthenes.
499: Ionian colonies begin to revolt; Athens and Eretria join Ionian Greeks and burn Sardis (Persian regional capital)
494: Persians crush the Ionian revolt; male population of Miletus killed
492: Darius invades Macedonia (led by his son-in-law Mardonius); Persian fleet is wrecked off the coast of Mt. Athos and Mardonius turns back
490: Darius invades Greece, but Athens defeats the Persian army at Marathon
487: Athenian Archons are appointed by sortition from this date on; Archons restricted to executive powers
486: Egypt revolts from the Persian Empire
485: Darius dies. Euripides born, Herodotus born.
481: Darius’ son Xerxes invades Greece by sea and land
480: Xerxes defeats Sparta at Thermopylae (the 300), Athens is abandoned and sacked, Acropolis destroyed; Athens lures the Persian fleet into the bay of Salamis and destroys it
479: Many Greek poleis unite to fight the Persians (under Mardonius) at Plataea, the Greeks win a decisive victory (Mardonius is killed); the Athenians swear the “Oath of Plataea” not to rebuild the Acropolis until the Persian threat is definitively over; the Athenian fleet defeats the Persian fleet at Mycale
478/7: Athens establishes the “Delian League;” members swear to contribute ships or fighting men (or money) to the mutual defense against Persia, the treasure is on the island of Delos
476: Theron of Akragas wins the chariot race at the Olympian Games; Pindar writes a victory ode in his honor (Olympian 3)
472: Aeschylus’ Persians is produced (with Phineus and Glaucus Potnieus, both lost)
469: Socrates born
468: Cimon defeats Persian fleet
462: Areopagus deprived of the dokimasia (investigation of candidates for office) and euthuna (examination of public accounts); these powers are given to the Boulē (council of citizens), thus establishing the principle that those who hold office are accountable directly to the people they govern for their conduct in office.
461: Areopagus deprived of remaining political authority (restricted to judicial powers)
459-447: Athens invades Megara, Corinth, Boeotia
458: Aeschylus’ Oresteia is produced in Athens
457: Aeschylus’ Prometheus trilogy is probably produced this year (possibly in Sicily; Prometheus Firebearer, Prometheus Bound, Prometheus Unbound)
456: Aeschylus dies

Thanks to Don Adams for this timeline

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